
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Written by Participant Allie Biederman, of Spring Arbour Michigan

                   " Monday we set out in the Park to hand out popsicles for people that looked to be hot. So we started handing them out and the first couple people were great. Then I saw this woman sitting on a park bench all alone, so I went up to her and asked her if she wanted a popsicle and she lifted her crying head and said 'Sure.' "

                   " So I gave her one and asked her if she was OK, and she told me that her boyfriend and her went to the U2 concert and started to fight and also began to drink more through the night. So as she cried and told me her story, I asked her if she wanted a hug and she said 'Yes.' "

                   " So I hugger her and she clenched onto me, and it broke my heart. Then Libby prayed for Linda – that was her name – and we moved on. Never would I have imaginied that my life would change and my mind would change on the first day! Life change happened."